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How Smart Home Technology Can Boost Your Property Value

How Smart Home Technology Can Boost Your Property Value

If you are a property developer looking for ways to increase the perceived value and appeal of your homes, you may want to consider investing in smart home technology. Smart home technology refers to devices and appliances that can be controlled remotely via an internet connection light switches, camerassensors, or other accessories. These devices can offer convenience, cost savings, security, and a "wow" factor to prospective buyers who are looking for a modern and comfortable living experience.

According to a survey by Coldwell Banker Real Estate, 77% of home buyers said they want some form of smart home technology in their new home, and 57% said they would consider buying an older home if it had smart home technology installed. Moreover, 81% of current smart home device owners said they would be more willing to buy a home with smart home technology in place.

Another astonishing statistic is that 54% percent say that if they had to choose between otherwise identical houses, one with smart technology, the other without, they’d buy the smart home. 

Why Are Property Buyers So Interested In Smart Homes?

The implementation of a smart home system offers various benefits, one of which is its potential to save both homeowners and customers money and the hassle of traditional home modifications. One prime example of this is the convenience it provides when it comes to relocating light switches without the need for extensive renovations.

Traditionally, if someone wanted to change the location of a light switch, it would typically involve breaking walls, rewiring, and potentially hiring a professional electrician. This process can be time-consuming, costly, and disruptive to the overall aesthetic of the home. However, with a smart home setup, this cumbersome process can be avoided altogether.

By incorporating a smart light switch into the existing electrical system, homeowners gain the ability to control the lights wirelessly through various means, such as a remote switch. This means that instead of physically moving the light switch, which requires construction work, one can simply add a remote switch in the desired location.

Smart home technology can provide homeowners with convenience, cost savings, security, and energy efficiency. For example, smart thermostats can learn the homeowner's schedules and preferences and adjust the temperature accordingly, saving up to 10 to 12 percent in heating and cooling costs. In extreme climates, smart home systems enable individuals to activate their climate controls remotely before arriving. By using a smartphone app, homeowners can adjust the temperature and ensure a comfortable environment upon entry. This convenience saves time and energy while maximizing comfort in extreme weather conditions.

Smart doorbells and security cameras can alert the homeowner if any motion is detected in the home when they're away, and even call the authorities in case of emergencies. Smart lighting can be controlled by voice or app, creating different moods and ambiances for different occasions.

What Can You Do?
So how can you leverage smart home technology to increase your property value? Here are some tips and examples:

  • Choose devices that are compatible with each other and can be controlled through one central point, such as a smartphone, tablet, or voice assistant. This will make it easier for buyers to use and manage their smart home devices without having to deal with multiple apps or platforms.
  •  Focus on devices that offer energy efficiency and cost savings, such as smart thermostats, lighting, and appliances. These devices can help homeowners reduce their electricity bills and carbon footprint by adjusting the temperature and lighting according to their schedules and preferences. For instance, a smart thermostat can save 10 to 12 percent in heating and cooling costs by learning the homeowner's habits and adjusting accordingly.
  • Highlight devices that enhance security and peace of mind, such as smart locks, doorbells, cameras, and alarms. These devices can allow homeowners to monitor and control access to their homes from anywhere, as well as receive alerts if any motion is detected or if any emergency situations occur. For example, a Ring video doorbell can let homeowners see who is at their door and communicate with them via their smartphone.
  • Add devices that create a "wow" factor and a personalized lifestyle, such as smart speakers, TVs, sound systems, and refrigerators. These devices can provide entertainment, information, and convenience to homeowners by responding to their voice commands or preferences. For example, a Samsung Family Hub refrigerator can display photos, calendars, recipes, and even stream music or videos on its touchscreen.


Smart home technology can be a worthwhile investment for property developers who want to stand out from the competition and attract more buyers. However, it is important to work with a listing agent who can convey the benefits of smart home technology to potential buyers and educate them on how to use it effectively. It is also advisable to choose devices that are easy to use and familiar to most consumers, as well as provide manuals or guides for future reference.

If you are interested in equipping your properties with smart home devices look no further! We are your trusted smart home partners, offering a comprehensive device catalogue and extensive installation experience. With our expertise, you can effortlessly provide potential buyers with a fully integrated smart home system, hassle-free.

Join forces with our projects team today and unlock a range of benefits. By signing up, you will receive a complimentary consultation where our experts will guide you through the process. We will assess your property's needs and provide tailored recommendations to enhance its market value through smart home technology.

Additionally, our projects team will provide you with a detailed quotation, ensuring transparency and affordability. We understand the importance of cost-effectiveness, and our pricing is designed to accommodate various budgets while delivering top-notch quality.

By partnering with us, you can offer potential buyers the convenience and appeal of a smart home system without the complexities and headaches. Our experienced installation team will seamlessly integrate the devices, ensuring a smooth and efficient setup.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to stay ahead in the competitive real estate market. Sign up with our projects team today and gain access to free consultation and a personalized quotation. Let us be your trusted smart home partner, transforming your properties into technologically advanced and desirable homes.

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